Westminster’s Children & Youth help lead Holy Ground weekly.
Our children and youth are a vital part of Westminster's worshiping community. Sunday School teachers lovingly and passionately teach our children and youth about God's love and our Christian faith.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, throughout the year, the children continue to be actively involved in Sunday School and Sunday worship.
After the COVID-19 pandemic once again, through the dedication and talented leadership of Deacon Denise Adams our children and youth are learning liturgical dance to the glory of God.
Since 1995, Westminster and Pastora Karen have enjoyed
leading a Teaching Church!
Princeton Theological Seminary Interns 2023-2024: Adriana Soto Acevedo of Puerto Rico, and Damion Parran of Washington, DC. Grateful for their parting gift!
Eightyone (81!) seminarians have served as Field Education Interns and/or been under care from Princeton Theological Seminary, New Brunswick Theological, Columbia Theological Seminary.
PTS Intern 2023-24, Adriana Soto Acevedo preached on November 19, 2023.
Ford Chittom, serving as PTS Intern during 2024-25. He prepares and oversees the weekly PPT, and serves as a liturgist.
PTS Intern 2023-24, Damion Parran preached on December 3, 2023.
Sarah Mayer, Pastoral Resident 2024-25. Alumni of Princeton Theological Seminary. Prepares weekly bulletins, serves as a liturgist, leads Bible Study series, and preaches.
Delaney Piper, PCUSA Ready for a Call
Yamikani Falinya. PCUSA Inquirer.
SueAnn Shiah, PCUSA Candidate.
David Byers led a Downtown Trenton tour for Princeton Theological Seminary Professor Gordan McKoski’s students. Westminster member and resident Lucia Smith spoke about why her family moved from the suburbs to the City of Trenton.
Jacque Howard, David Byers, and Pastor Karen led a class for Princeton Theological Seminary Professor Gordan McKoski’’s students about Westminster’s open and affirming, intercultural, urban ministry.