Seeking to strengthen Christian congregations through renewal and reflection
Pastor Karen Hernandez-Granzen and Westminster Presbyterian Church of Trenton, NJ received a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program for 2022-2023. This grant seeks to strengthen congregations by helping their pastors to take time away from day-to-day ministry to restore their commitment to ministry. Launched in 1999 with a program for congregations and their pastors in Indiana, this annual effort was expanded in 2000 to include a second program for clergy across the United States. These programs are made possible by a grant to Christian Theological Seminary and its Center for Pastoral Excellence, which administers the program.
Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs are administered by the Center for Pastoral Excellence at Christian Theological Seminary. Through its religion grantmaking, Lilly Endowment, an Indianapolis-based, private philanthropic foundation, seeks to deepen and enrich the lives of American Christians. It does this largely through initiatives to enhance and sustain the quality of ministry in American congregations and parishes. To this end, National and Indiana Clergy Renewal Programs provide an opportunity for pastors to step away briefly from the persistent obligations of daily parish life and engage in a period of renewal and reflection. Renewal periods are not vacations but times for intentional exploration and reflection, for drinking again from God’s life-giving waters, for regaining enthusiasm and creativity for ministry.
Excerpts from Westminster’s
Sabbatical Renewal Program 2022
Sunday, June 26 Celebrated the kick-off of Sabbath Renewal Program: Commissioning & Luncheon:
The Rev. Carmen M. Rosario preached and commissioned the congregation, the session, and Pastor Karen to begin their Sabbath Renewal 2022: June 2022
Saturday, June 18, 2022 – Laughter Yoga Therapy
Recruited elders and members of the congregation, Bethany House of Hospitality Residents, and guests together with Pastor Karen were trained in Laughter Yoga Therapy..
Article: Lauren & Alik Colbert, The Laughing Lovebugs offer joy and healing through 'laughter yoga'
Wednesday, August 31, 2022:
The Rev. Carmen M. Rosario, preached and provided Sabbath Renewal Program Commission to Pastor, Session, and congregation.
Congregation’s Sabbath Renewal Plan: Racially diverse guest preachers & Worship Team experimented with new worship styles & Laughter Yoga Therapy: July 3-August 14, 2020 & November 6-20, 2022
July 3: Preacher & Officiant, Ruling Elder Adebisi Shofu, MDiv
Elder Bisi Shofu: Member of Session
July 10: Preacher, Rev. Marcus Lambright
July 17, Elder, Jacque Howard
July 24: Preacher, Rev. Jonathan Shenk
July 30: Preacher, Emily “Z” Zinsitz
August 7: Preacher & Officiant, Rev. Paul Rhebergen
August 14: Preacher: PTS Seminarian, Kendall Brown
November 1-16, 2022
Spiritual Direction
Three church leaders led a two-week series on Spiritual Direction. Wednesdays, November 2nd and 9th. Elder Peter Crooke (trained with Sabbatical Renewal Grant), and member Emily “Z” Zinsitz trained prior. Member/Spiritual Director Pat Deeney and Pastor Karen invited congregation to adopt the practice of reading her weekly: Antiracism Adjustment as a Spiritual Practice.
Elder Peter Crooke, trained with Sabbath Renewal Grant to teach Spiritual Direction to Westminster congregation and Princeton Theological Seminary Interns.
Member Emily “Z” Zinsitz, trained in Spiritual Direction. Helped to lead together with Peter Crooke and Pat Deeney series on Spiritual Direction.
Pat Deeney, Spiritual Director and author of weekly Antiracism Adjustment as a Spiritual Practice.
Graphic Recording
Recruited three leaders, four Princeton Theological Seminary Field Education Interns, and invited the entire congregation to be trained in Graphic Recording, via YouTube and written resources. Elder Cherry Oakley, provided training.
Elder Cherry Oakley, trained Graphic Recorder created a summary of the congregation’s Sabbath Renewal Program 2022.
Elder Cherry Oakley, teaches Graphic Recording as a tool for interactive engagement and greater follow up and follow through.
Lauren and Alik Colbertson, the Laughing Lovebugs continue to provide Westminster and Pastor Karen resources to teach us Laughter Yoga Therapy.
Laughter Yoga Therapy
Recruited three leaders, four Princeton Theological Seminary Field Education Interns, and invited the entire congregation to be introduced continued training on Laughter Yoga Therapy Training via YouTube and written resources.
Interplay: Unlock the Wisdom of your Body
Recruited three leaders, four Princeton Theological Seminary Field Education Interns, and invited the entire congregation to be introduced to Interplay: Unlock the Wisdom of your Body via YouTube and written resources. Feedback will be requested in order to determine if further training will be provided during our Sabbath Renewal Program in 2023.
November 6-20, 2022
Diverse Guest Preachers & Worship Team Experimented with New Worship Styles:
Sunday, November 6, Preacher & Officiant, Rev. Paul Rhebergen
Sunday, November 13, Preacher Nancy Rivera, PCUSA Inquirer.
Sunday, November 20, Preacher Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia. also commissioned Westminster and Karen to continue their Spiritual Practices.