Easter / Resurrection Sunday at Westminster 2024
Do you sense God calling you to partner with Westminster to address the following systemic issues challenging the City of Trenton and supporting our international sisters and brothers by:

Grateful for the over 800 backpacks and 1,000s of School Supplies donated by Nassau Presbyterian Church since 2018!
1) Improving the quality of public-school education by hosting the Trenton Music Makers’ After School Program (2020-2024). Annually providing over 150 of backpacks and school supplies in partnership with Nassau Presbyterian Church.
2) Dismantling mass incarceration by serving on the Mass Incarceration Taskforce: a partnership of three Presbyterian churches: Nassau, Witherspoon and Westminster.
3) Ministering to formerly incarcerated / returning citizens and their families through Trenton Microloan Collaborative in Partnership with Nassau Presbyterian Church.
4) Reaching out to young adults who feel disenfranchised by the traditional church, yet still feel called to serve the Greater Trenton Area through Bethany House of Hospitality: A Young Adult Intentional Living Community. To date over 35 have served in Trenton, NJ, and four Residents have been ordained as Ministers of the Word and Sacrament.

Bethany House of Hospitality Residents 2023-2024.
5) Assisting immigrants to acquire English proficiency to support the education of their children and to secure gainful employment by partnering with the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund.
6) Becoming a welcoming congregation for the LGBTQIA+ community
7) Providing a site for meals & toiletries distributions in partnership with Mercer Street Friends, Sewa International Central Jersey Chapter, and the Allentown Presbyterian Church.

Seminary Interns 2023-24: Adriana Soto Acevedo and Damion Parran
8) Equipping and mentoring seminarians from Princeton Theological Seminary, New Brunswick Seminary, and Columbia Theological Seminary. To date 81 seminarians have been Mentored & nurtured since 1995!
9) Supporting our International Mission Partnerships: Misión Tú Puedes, Dominican Republic, Liberia Mission Project, and Villages in Partnership, Malawi.
10) Welcoming Refugees & Immigrants. In October 2024, Westminster became a new home of Interfaith Refugee Immigrant Services and Empowerment.
Donation by Clicking Here
Images of 125th Anniversary Celebraton on November 5, 2023

Welcome / Bienvenidxs
to an Intercultural, Open and Affirming,
Social Justice Congregation
Worshiping and Serving in the City of Trenton, NJ
Located in the heart of Trenton, NJ, Westminster Presbyterian Church is a diverse, open and affirming community-of-faith for all. By God's grace and faithfulness we have remained a vital urban ministry from generation to generation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we are seeking the shalom of the city!
Westminster, which was chartered in 1898, has transformed along with its neighborhood over the last twelve decades. Our pastor and leaders reflect the changing complexion of the community.
A joyful "rehearsal for the Kin-dom" (Family of God), our intercultural worship takes inspiration from Revelation 7:9-10. "After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands. They cried out in a loud voice, saying,“Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

2018 Westminster’s 120th Church Anniversary